MySQL статистика (37)
Query Rows Time Cached
SELECT * FROM moduleparams 6 0.000079 false
DESCRIBE news_categories 4 0.000418 false
DESCRIBE db_files 17 0.000314 false
DESCRIBE seo_settings 7 0.000274 false
SELECT seo_settings.* FROM seo_settings ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000058 false
update seo_settings set individual_seo_settings = 'a:0:{}' - 0.000090 false
SELECT (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='News_Category' and field='image')) as image_calculated, news_categories.* FROM news_categories WHERE (news_categories.code = 'books') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000386 false
DESCRIBE news_posts 15 0.000380 false
DESCRIBE news_posts_versions 15 0.000332 false
SELECT (news_categories.code) as category_code, (select group_concat(news_posts_versions.created_at ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from news_posts_versions where news_posts_versions.post_id = as versions_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='News_Post' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='News_Post' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, news_posts.* FROM news_posts LEFT JOIN news_categories ON WHERE (news_posts.published=1 and is_important_news=1) AND (news_posts.category_id = '1') ORDER BY publish_date desc LIMIT 0, 1 0 0.000523 false
SELECT count(*) FROM news_posts LEFT JOIN news_categories ON WHERE (news_posts.published=1) AND (news_posts.publish_date <= '2024-11-21 21:07:36' or publish_date is null) AND (news_posts.is_important_news != 1 or is_important_news is null) AND (news_posts.category_id='1') ORDER BY publish_date desc 1 0.000272 false
SELECT (news_categories.code) as category_code, (select group_concat(news_posts_versions.created_at ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from news_posts_versions where news_posts_versions.post_id = as versions_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='News_Post' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='News_Post' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, news_posts.* FROM news_posts LEFT JOIN news_categories ON WHERE (news_posts.published=1) AND (news_posts.publish_date <= '2024-11-21 21:07:36' or publish_date is null) AND (news_posts.is_important_news != 1 or is_important_news is null) AND (news_posts.category_id='1') ORDER BY publish_date desc LIMIT 0, 9 7 0.001366 false
select DISTINCT CONCAT(photo_day, '-', LPAD(photo_month, 2, '0')) as photo_date from samarin_photos order by photo_month desc, photo_day desc 2 0.000172 false
DESCRIBE samarin_photos 6 0.000463 false
SELECT (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Samarin_Photo' and field='photo')) as photo_calculated, samarin_photos.* FROM samarin_photos WHERE (samarin_photos.photo_day = '20' and photo_month = '2') ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000535 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3') AND (db_files.master_object_class='Samarin_Photo' and field='photo') ORDER BY id 1 0.000063 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '19') AND (db_files.master_object_class='News_Post' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000327 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '18') AND (db_files.master_object_class='News_Post' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000208 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '17') AND (db_files.master_object_class='News_Post' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000267 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '4') AND (db_files.master_object_class='News_Post' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000196 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '3') AND (db_files.master_object_class='News_Post' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000210 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '2') AND (db_files.master_object_class='News_Post' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000400 false
SELECT db_files.* FROM db_files WHERE (db_files.master_object_id = '1') AND (db_files.master_object_class='News_Post' and field='image') ORDER BY id 1 0.000257 false
DESCRIBE admin_module_settings 4 0.000475 false
SELECT admin_module_settings.* FROM admin_module_settings WHERE (admin_module_settings.module_id='admin') AND (admin_module_settings.form_id='default') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000055 false
DESCRIBE admin_text_blocks 11 0.000317 false
DESCRIBE admin_menu_items 15 0.000292 false
SELECT (menu_link_calculated_join.title) as menu_link_calculated, admin_text_blocks.* FROM admin_text_blocks LEFT JOIN admin_menu_items as menu_link_calculated_join ON menu_link_calculated_join.text_block_id = WHERE (admin_text_blocks.code = 'about-author') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000071 false
DESCRIBE admin_menus 5 0.000263 false
SELECT admin_menus.* FROM admin_menus WHERE (admin_menus.code = 'main') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000059 false
SELECT (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items WHERE (admin_menu_items.menu_id = '1') AND (admin_menu_items.parent_id is null and (admin_menu_items.is_hidden is null or admin_menu_items.is_hidden=0) and (admin_menu_items.is_hidden_in_menu is null or admin_menu_items.is_hidden_in_menu=0)) ORDER BY group_name, sort_order 6 0.000077 false
SELECT admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items ORDER BY sort_order 12 0.000087 false
SELECT admin_menus.* FROM admin_menus WHERE ( = '1') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000054 false
SELECT (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items WHERE ( = '15') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000069 false
SELECT (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items WHERE ( = '15') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000057 false
SELECT (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items WHERE ( = '16') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000068 false
SELECT (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='document_files')) as document_files_calculated, (select group_concat( ORDER BY 1 SEPARATOR ', ') from db_files where db_files.master_object_id = and (master_object_class='Admin_MenuItem' and field='photos')) as photos_calculated, admin_menu_items.* FROM admin_menu_items WHERE ( = '16') LIMIT 0, 1 1 0.000068 false